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Sometimes, there isn't a path

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Falling down

This quote...I've always loved it.  I've given it on cards to friends.  I have written it in my journal.  But there's also been something about it.  I want it to say that taking risks is part of life.  It's part of living.

And you don't ALWAYS fall down.  Sometimes, the risks you take have immediate rewards.  

Sometimes, you make yourself uncomfortable and reach out to a new person.  
And you end up with a friend.

Once in a while, you attempt to do something you thought you could not.  
But you can. 

A scary opportunity comes your way, and you run towards it instead of away.  
And it makes you happy.    

You decide to trust someone with your heart, and it is justified.  

Taking risks is part of life.  It's part of living.  The leap of faith is scary...If you fall, get back up.  But you might not even stumble when you land on the other side.  Either way, find your stride and run towards the next daring adventure.  

There.  That's better.