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Sometimes, there isn't a path

Sunday, January 11, 2015

What are you waiting for?

Last year, I 'promised' myself that I was going to start sharing my adventures with friends on my blog.   Hmmph.  I didn't do a thing.  Why not?!

  1. I was busy enjoying those adventures.  After my first post in July, we headed to the Adirondacks ( my favorite place in the world) several times, I traveled for work, cheered and raced and ran, the boys football season started, spent time with friends and family and just generally were busy.
    Life is definitely not boring
    Emmett and Jackson kept us busy

    We spent a lot of time here

    mud and coffee...good stuff

  2. I'm intimidated about publicly sharing my writing.  I've written in journals, I've emailed small novels to my friends, I post to facebook daily.  But, to put my thoughts together and out there?  Yikes!  What if I suck?  If it's boring?  If I forget a period or something even more important.  You know what?  WHO CARES?  If people don't want to read it, they won't.  
  3. I can do it later.  Yeah, you can.  But you probably won't.  Time goes by, and you just keep moving forward.  It's hard to go back.  So, I'm starting now.  My next blog post comes today!  I hope you enjoy.  

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