Cover Photo

Cover Photo
Sometimes, there isn't a path

Monday, July 11, 2016

Oh, whoa is me

Nope, not a typo.

You ever get stuck in that 'poor me' attitude?  You know, where everything is just so're tired, you're injured, you're "broke", you have poison ivy on your ass?  (or is that last one just my cross to bear?)  You're busy, you haven't seen your _______ (husband, friends, favorite neighborhood bunny) in soooo long you're sure they've forgotten you?  You're feeling fat, ineffective, blah blah blah blah....

And then.  Then.  You take a fucking breath and see how ridiculous you are being?

For real.  Like, honestly, the universe is not out to get you, for one thing.  The universe is far too busy with more important things than making you miserable.  That's pure hubris.

And another thing...your problems...put them into perspective with things that really are a big deal.  Some terrible things have been happening  We are in the middle of awful chaos and unknown things.  An itchy ass?  You had the freedom to be out in the woods, hiking around.  You're tired?  You just got to visit your family scattered all over the midwest and northeast.

What time is it?  Time to get over youself.

A pity party?  Nobody has time to attend, Beth.

Whoa.  Stop.

Take a breath.  And get over it.  Moving on.

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