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Cover Photo
Sometimes, there isn't a path

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Giving Rocks

She sat there, my little niece, carefully selecting the perfect gift for each member of this impromptu beach party.  Examining every rock she found, Lily immediately knew which of the people surrounding her needed THAT rock.

She picked them and gave them out.

The sparkly rock goes to mom.
The flat rock is handed to cousin Jackson.
The rough one to Aunt Anne.

Lily didn't expect anything in return.  She didn't even get mad when Jackson skipped his across the cool water of Lake Michigan.

I've been thinking about how to apply the lesson an almost 2 year old can teach.  It's easy...

When you find the thing that someone might need, and if you can give it, hand it over.

Does that mean giving a little of your time to a project you believe in?
A kind note or phone call to a friend?  

Whatever IT is, you don't need to keep a jar of it for yourself...Giving Rocks.  

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Stop, thief!

Stop, thief!

My grandmother had a copy of the Desiderata up in her sunny, yellow kitchen.   At different times in my life, I’ve invoked passages from it.  Right now, I’m stuck on this one… 

I’m not so much feeling the vain and bitter feels.  I don’t have a lot to be vain about these days, and bitter isn’t really my thing.  But sadness and longing are apparently my things. 

Okay, okay.  So, stop comparing yourself to others.  Got it. 

But.  What if the “others” is actually you?  Or some older / future version of you?  

Am I as physically as strong, as capable as I was a few years ago?  Nope.  I am not.  
Am I as driven in my job, do I love what I’m doing?  Hardly. 
Have I made progress financially, did I pay off those expenses I incurred 18 month ago?  Haha!

I see others doing the same…my friends who are injured, and looking at last year’s run numbers.  People whose lives have shifted, and they look back and think things were better then.  Someone who took a risk and maybe failed on this first go ‘round of a new enterprise, and things are harder than they used to be.

Staying in the now, the right now, and focusing on what is good (or at least okay-enough) is where joy comes from.  It doesn’t mean stop striving to be something better.  But the better may come in a totally different category.  For me, re-building relationships is something I’ve been striving for, and that has come with a trade-off in the fitness category.    For others, fixing an old injury, making their home better, working on a career change has been the better thing, and the effort it has taken for those things makes other progress hard.

 I’m working on trying NOT to compare myself to others.  But also not comparing myself to some other version of me.  It’s fucking hard.   But pieces of my life are pretty awesome.  And worth the extra pounds I'm carrying, the extra minutes I take on a run, sticking with a job I'm not sure of in exchange for  some stability.   

Comparison is the thief of joy.  FDR said that.  So.  Stop, Thief!!